HCR Air Doors


Miniature/small version of CAC for conveyors. MCAC Miniature Conditioned-Air Curtain The temperature differences at conveyor openings, if unprotected, are subject to the same problems as regular doorways. Prevent air infiltration, frost, and ice buildup by installing HCR equipment designed to work seamlessly with your conveyor system. Conveyor units are tailored to suit your specific application

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The Model DCAV uses two recirculatory air curtains, creating an air vestibule between the two air streams where the air is captured and treated to a non-frost, non-fog state. The Model DCAV automatically adjusts as conditions change to optimize performance and reduce energy consumption. With the use of HCR sensors and software, Model DCAV can

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CAC Hybrid

By combining an air door with your currently installed door, you are ensuring an efficient air block when your hard door is open, reducing cold air loss and decreasing the problems associated with high-traffic openings, such as ice and safety concerns. Features

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The Model RCAV is a short, conditioned-air vestibule for freezer to outer room conditions that span large temperature differentials up to 100 degrees with average doorway traffic and limited floor space around the door. It significantly reduces refrigeration load while preventing frost, ice and wetness at the doorway. It consists of two high-speed rollup doors,

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